Becoming a Developer

A Developer in the ADempiere bazaar is a person who contributes code, documentation or other work that is of value to the community. Anyone can become a Developer by making contributions. It is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of being involved in an open source community project.

Becoming a Developer

The ADempiere Project uses GitHub for its repository. To contribute as a developer, you will need to have a GitHub account and you should fork the ADempiere project or one of the other sub-projects depending on your interests. All your work will be done in your own fork and contributions can be added to the project through GitHub's pull-request process.

You must respect the Software Development Procedure. You can create your own repository for contributions and develop freely within that directory. In the main code repository, you will need permission before you can create a branch or start development on a new feature.

After you have proven yourself as a developer, you can ask to join the community as a citizen. Eventually, you can be given the status of Committer with access and responsibility for the main code repository.

Last updated